Photo by Matteo Paganelli on Unsplash

How Marijuana Changed My Life

Scot Edge


There are many outlooks on marijuana. Even after all the scientific studies there are many people that think this wonderful plant is so dangerous. Those are the same people who help our nations leaders to continue to criminalize such a helpful crop. I am not trying to promote cannabis as a cure all, or even promoting anti-government, but I am writing this to show my point of view, and show how it changed my life.

Christmas break during my Senior Year of high school, is where I met Mary Jane for the first time. I had been aware of this devilish beauty for many years at this time. My oldest brother during his high school years and some time after had been involved with her as well. While on break, I was invited over to a good friends house where a long time childhood friend was also there. They knew I had never smoked before and that I was curious to try it. They thought it was an opportune time, so did I. There we are, sitting is his bedroom, passing the bowl, packed with one of the best smelling plants ever. I can’t say that I felt any of the effects that time or a few times after that, but I sure slept great when I smoked! Not long after that I started buying off him and corrupting the rest of my friends that were willing to partake.

After a while, and after having conversations with other people who also smoked weed, you start gathering information on the subject. Your whole life you’ve been taught how bad this “drug” is, and now you experience it, and educate yourself on how it’s quite the opposite. I had now realized, in full affect, that the government will lie for its own agenda. You start to wonder what else they lie about, what other people lie about. I had always been the type of kid to believe what I was told, and just so naive. The fact that, we as a nation, have criminalized this sacred plant for so long, has really put us behind times. With so much potential for good in this world, legal cannabis could have saved many lives(both medically and from incarceration), changed how much we pollute, and created an entire industry which adds revenue and jobs. But instead our leaders shut it out of our lives for practical use for a very long time.

Mary Jane “woke” me. Smoking weed had changed me. It changed my outlook on life, they way I looked at different people. It made me see things in a new light. It helped me step back and look from both sides of the fence. Sometimes I wished I had started earlier, so I’d understand certain things, and really get me thinking on this new level at an earlier age. But at the same time that it helped me start thinking on my own, it also held me back in so many ways. I do not regret one minute of the way I lived. I have met some amazing, and quite interesting people due to this incredible plant.

Now instead of being responsible and regulating my intake, of this cultural phenomenon, I was obsessed. Everyday I wanted that sticky icky. Almost everyday for four years I had smoked weed. Now I know many of you reading this have done it longer, and probably way more than I have, and that’s great. If you are able to live like this and be happy I support you. I thought I was happy, and wanted to continue to smoke everyday, but I was wrong. I soon became very unhappy for the simple fact that smoking weed made me irritable and antisocial. I’m sure with better moderation, this would have been avoidable.

I soon fell in love with a woman who was against cannabis in every way possible. This was very difficult for me, because I was not giving up Mary Jane. I had to balance spending time with my girlfriend, and sneaking around to catch my next buzz. I managed to do that for two years, before taking enough crap, and moving out of our apartment while she was at work. I was unable to show her how beneficial marijuana was. At this point my consumption of cannabis slowed down quite a bit. To this day, if I encounter women problems I am able to smoke some weed, step back, and really understand my problems.

So here we are, four years later, I barely ever smoke, or consume marijuana in any way. Do I hate not smoking? No. Do I regret every doing it? Absolutely not. I have simply found how to be happy and Mary Jane helped me do that. It has helped me on so many levels. There are so many benefits from this small plant, and we keep getting closer and closer to a world of legal cannabis. But until we can stand together and work with our leaders, it may take longer than we hope. This industry can really change lives. I can’t be more thankful how cannabis has helped my creative thinking and my overall outlook on life. There are way more benefits than harming qualities of this beautiful crop, and I hope to see it change our world the way it changed mine.



Scot Edge

Just another human roaming the earth enjoying nature, art, baseball, and automobiles. Website: